Autologous-Platelet Rich Plasma

RegenLabs all inclusive System RegenKit® BCT is equipped with everything your center needs for resale, in completely sterile packages. Tubes contain thixotropic gel and anticoagulant (sodium citrate) in the required amounts for added ease. You can see more benefits and features on the kits below. To order directly, email or order now.  

Ease of Use

Only a few steps are required to prepare 4.5 to 5ml of A-PRP. The easy to use kit protects against clinical errors or difficulty!

Complete Closed System

A-PRP is prepared in closed circuit from the patient’s own blood. Therefore it is inherently safe and with no risk of infectious disease transmission.


Cost Effective

This is less than half of many current competitive products! Ordering flexibility allows you to purchase individual tubes or all inclusive kits per the needs of your facility.


Low Blood Sample/High Platelet Recovery

Prepares PRP from only 10 cc of the patient’s blood. Once spun, our product recovers 80-95% (avg.) of the platelets from the whole blood, concentrated in 4-5ml of autologous plasma.

REliable and efficient prp preparation

RegenKit® BCT uses a patented polymer gel (thixotropic gel) as a physical barrier to separate red and white blood cells from the plasma and platelet sediment.

Red Blood Cell Depletion

The level of Red Blood Cells is drastically reduced, with more than 99.7% of complete Red Blood Cell removal.



85 to 96.5% of the pro-inflammatory neutrophils are removed. The white blood cells that are still present are mostly lymphocytes and monocytes which play a positive role in wound healing.


The level of Red Blood Cells is drastically reduced, with more than 99.7% of complete Red Blood Cell removal.

RegenKit® A-PRP®

RegenKit® A-PRP®

RegenKit® A-PRP® Plus

RegenKit® A-PRP® Plus

RegenKit® A-PRP® THT

RegenKit® A-PRP® THT

RegenKit® Accessories

RegenKit® Accessories